¿Su sitio web requiere más poder? Si es así, su hosting VPS es la opción perfecta para usted. Por su propia naturaleza es una configuración más potente para un sitio web en crecimiento.

Las secuencias de comandos preinstaladas incluidas con nuestros planes de hosting web facilitan la vida al permitirle instalar cualquier aplicación / software popular sin ningún conocimiento previo de hosting web. Si usted quiere comenzar un Web site, un blog, un foro o una tienda en línea nuestro instalador de la escritura de 1 tecleo le ha cubierto.

Seleccione un Plan de Hosting VPS

VPS Hosting 1

fue $40.99/mes

VPS perfecto plan de hosting para inicio

  • 40GB Espacio de Disco
  • 3TB Ancho de banda
  • Addon Dominios
  • WHM / Web Panel de Control
  • Instalador Aplicación / Software

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VPS Hosting 2

fue $54.99/mes

Plan hosting VPS de bajo costo y confiable

  • 60GB Espacio de Disco
  • 4TB Ancho de banda
  • Addon Dominios
  • WHM / Web Panel de Control
  • Instalador Aplicación / Software

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VPS Hosting 3

fue $75.99/mes

Paquete de hosting VPS avanzado

  • 80GB Espacio de Disco
  • 5TB Ancho de banda
  • Addon Dominios
  • WHM / Web Panel de Control
  • Instalador Aplicación / Software

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uptime guarantee

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

We promise an uptime of 99.9% on all plans!

30 days money back

30-Days Money Back

No questions asked refund with all web hosting plans

24/7 reliable support

24/7 Support Team

Rest assured that your web hosting is backed with support

The quality of our support is unmatched

The quality of our support is unmatched

We take support one step further by tailoring our replies to suit your knowledge, expectations and personality.

SSL protected cPanel hosting

SSL protected cPanel hosting

All of the login pages for cPanel and WHM and fully protected over https. This adds a extra layer of protection across our hosting network.

Ecommerce ready web hosting

Ecommerce ready web hosting

Our hosting includes 1 click-installs for popular ecommerce software including Magento, Zen Cart and Cube Cart.

Reliable email support

Reliable email support

We provide 24/7 email and ticket support with all of our web hosting plans and domain registrations.

Wordpress included

Wordpress included

You can install the popular blogging platform software Wordpress instantly without any coding experience from inside your cPanel based hosting account.

Free website traffic statistics

Free website traffic statistics

With our web hosting you can instantly view your website traffic from inside your control panel using the popular tracking tool AWstats.

Live chat support

Live chat support

We provide around the clock live chat support. Speak to our staff live whenever you need and they will be happy to help.

Hardened servers

Hardened servers

Our servers run the latest in security software and are monitored 24/7 by our server admins.

Point and click control panel

Point and click control panel

Our web hosting accounts use cPanel which is the most popular point and click web hosting control panel.